Vrije Universiteit Brussel

How will I experience climate change?

Here you can find out how many more climate extremes you will face across your lifetime relative to a world without climate change. The results are based on solid science.

We don’t store your data.

When were you born?

1960 2020

Select the warming scenario

Where are you from?

In a 1.5 ℃ world, I, as a 22-year-old, will experience
🔥 wildfires 1.8×,
🌊 river floods 2.2×,
🍂 crop failures 3.0×,
🌀 tropical cyclones 1.4×,
🏜️ droughts 3.9× and
☀️ heatwaves 18.3×
more than without climate change.
Do the test 👉 myclimatefuture.info

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About the study

The new study published in Science and the accompanying report by the NGO Save the Children provide the technical details to understand the results shown on this website.